孩子与马/The Boy and His Horse


Mahesh, a boy from a village near Bodh Gaya of Bihar in India,said he is only 15 years old, but his family members said he is the main bread-winner for the family. Mahesh has 3 younger sisters and their father works in other people's farms. The shortage of earnings and poverty in the family forced Mahesh to leave school few years ago and he started to work as a driver of a horse cart in Bodh Gaya, carrying passengers to where they want to. Being a sacred place for Buddhism, Bodh Gaya attracts many visitors every year, which averagely made Mahesh earn 150 to 200 rupees (about 2.5 to 3 US dollars) per day.

Photo taken in July 2013 in India's Bihar.  图片于2013年7月摄于印度比哈尔邦菩提迦耶

